Wednesday 27 June 2018

Are You A Posted Military Spouse and Need To Find Work?

As a military spouse,  being posted can raise a variety of emotions everything from denial, anxiety, relief, anger, anticipation, acceptance,  and happiness.  The Kübler-Ross Change Cycle depicts the stages and feelings that one may experience.  The posting message is an indicator of change for you and your family. Managing change in a positive way takes a lot of mental energy and an optimistic mindset.

If you are currently employed, it will mean giving your employer notice that you will be leaving. Always ask for a letter of reference and or a testimonial on LinkedIn regarding your work performance to assist you in your upcoming job search.

Saying goodbye to your co-workers,  workplace, and a network of friends can be emotional. It is easier to stay in touch these days with friends and former co-workers using the social media platforms like FaceBook. Social Media and communication technology enables us to stay in touch with friends, colleagues, and family members creating a support network.

Social media can help you with your job search even before you arrive at your new location.  Researching and taking action demonstrates that you are keen to establish a professional network. Most people like to help when asked.  You can create a positive impression by conducting informational interviews and letting your contacts know that you are excited about coming to the area.

When you are on the ground, treat your contacts to a coffee and make a face to face introduction. This can go a long way to establishing your new network.  Some employers have internal referral programs to help recruit new staff.

Using the LinkedIn search feature:
  • input your new location, as well as companies you would like to work for and get names of current and or past employees.
  • identify your industry and your new location in the all filters area of the people search to identify possible networking contacts.
  • search for jobs in your new area on LinkedIn and use the "Easy Apply" feature if it is set up.
Research professional associations for your career area and contact the local chapter. Arrange to attend a meeting to introduce yourself to colleagues and determine if you wish to become a member.

Go to, input your new location and an area of genuine interest for you. This will assist you in meeting new people with a common interest.

If you have children, getting them involved in community sports and activities will assist both you and them in meeting new people and making friends before school starts. Google the municipal office for sports and recreation to identify organizations to contact.

Drop into the local library to inquire about summer activities and resources for both yourself and your children. The library has industry publications, employer directories, and professional staff to respond to your questions.

Visit your local military family resource for additional information and resources for new arrivals.
Check out provincially funded employment centres in your location to access job search support and labour market information. 

To access additional help, contact a Certified Career Professional to assist you in developing your network and to learn job search strategies. I can be contacted at if you have any additional questions. 

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